revert conflict without losing non-committed changes

Harvey Chapman hchapman-hg at
Mon Aug 4 17:16:22 UTC 2014

On Aug 2, 2014, at 7:46 AM, anatoly techtonik <techtonik at> wrote:

> $ hg up default
> merging spyderlib/
> merging spyderlib/ failed!
> 0 files updated, 0 files merged, 1 files removed, 1 files unresolved
> use 'hg resolve' to retry unresolved file merges
> Damn, I don't want to resolve anything. Is there any
> way to get back and understand what will happen
> with my files exactly?

I don’t think there’s a single, silver bullet solution. You could:

- Update back to the revision you came from. I couldn’t figure out how to get this revision other than to look inside .hg/merge/state. `hg parents` doesn’t really work. I’m guessing because this merge is not intended to be recorded.
- use `hg resolve --list --no-status` to list the unresolved files
- restore them by moving the .orig versions back in to place, e.g. `mv spyderlib/ spyderlib/`
- now mark all of the unresolved files as resolved: `hg resolve --all --mark`


   ========$ hg gl
   o  changeset:   3:702134d0f066 tip   draft
   |               Upstream Version
   o  changeset:   2:5acf82629630    draft
   |               append
   o  changeset:   1:14813619b753    draft
   |               append
   @  changeset:   0:b170f1ab73b2    draft
   ========$ hg status
   M file
   ========$ hg diff -r default
   diff --git a/file b/file
   --- a/file
   +++ b/file
   @@ -1,15 +1,7 @@
   -Upstream Version
   +My Local Uncommitted Change
   ========$ hg update default
   merging file
   merging file failed!
   0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 1 files unresolved
   use 'hg resolve' to retry unresolved file merges
   ========$ hg resolve --list
   U file
   ========$ ls
   file      file.orig
   ========$ head -n 1 .hg/merge/state
   ========$ hg update b170f1ab73b237626eadbc88c2d83f40bb78e092
   merging file
   merging file failed!
   0 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 1 files unresolved
   use 'hg resolve' to retry unresolved file merges
   ========$ for file in `hg resolve --list --no-status`; do mv “$file".orig “$file"; done
   ========$ hg resolve --all --mark

- Is this solution complete?
- Perhaps there’s a better/safer way to get the old parent.
- I’m a little nervous that the second update might clobber one of the original .orig backup files.
- Is there an update-if extension? That is, update will only proceed if the merge is clean?
- Couldn’t all of this be done in an `hg merge|resolve —abort` command?

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