Mercurial popularity is stagnant

Paul Nathan pnathan at
Tue Aug 19 16:48:01 UTC 2014

The Windows personality as personified by devs demands polished gui tools and clickies on webpage forms. :/

Believe me, as a a Unix personality supporting SCM, I have years of experience with this. 

Hgweb is adequate for me...
Paul Nathan

On August 19, 2014 9:38:26 AM PDT, till plewe <till.plewe at> wrote:
>>> Let me try again. What functionality is needed beyond what is
>>> by hgweb, or a simple unix account to which the developers have
>>> via ssh?
>> I'm the main mercurial advocate where I work, and we've been using it
>> happily for a couple of years now, using a home-grown server
>> application for repository management, code reviews and so on. But
>> unfortunately we're now switching to git mostly because of Atlassian
>> Stash - the code review tools and integration with bug tracking
>> are simply better than the other options we looked at. If Stash
>> supported mercurial I don't think we'd be switching.
>Is it a decision made by developers or managers? As far as I can tell
>there is nothing there which would tempt me to switch but it may look
>different on the managerial level. Are there any killer features which
>appeal to developers?
>- Till
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