Converting a Repository, Starting at a Specific Revision

Jensen, Aaron ajensen at
Tue Dec 2 01:34:06 UTC 2014

Thank you. My brain skipped the per-source sections of the “hg help convert” documentation because it assumed those sections were for non-Mercurial sources. Oops.

The convert.hg.startrev configuration option is what I needed and is working beautifully.  Here is my command:

                > hg --config extensions.convert= convert --filemap .\filemap . -Destination .\ModuleRepo --config convert.hg.startrev=abcdef123456

From: Nathan Goldbaum [mailto:nathan12343 at]
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2014 5:22 PM
To: Jensen, Aaron; mercurial at
Subject: Re: Converting a Repository, Starting at a Specific Revision

"hg help convert" mentions the following config option, which can be passed as a --config argument to "hg convert":

                  revset specifying the source revisions to convert.

Of course that will only work if you are converting from a mercurial repository.


On Mon Dec 01 2014 at 5:02:06 PM Jensen, Aaron <ajensen at<mailto:ajensen at>> wrote:
We want to split part of our large repository (143,760 changesets, 5GB+ in size) into its own repository. Here’s our filemap:

    include "Module1"
    rename "Module1" "."

The part we are splitting off, the Module1 directory, came into existence around changeset 90,000. Is there a way I can tell Mercurial to start converting at a specific revision? I’d like the convert to go a little faster and avoid waiting for it to checking 90,000 changesets which I know it won’t need to convert.

I found the Convert extensions’s talk page<>, which I think says I can, but it doesn’t include any examples and I don’t understand the solution it proposes.

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