how to push selected changes only?

Steve Barnes gadgetsteve at
Sat Jan 18 21:30:03 UTC 2014

On 18/01/14 20:58, Martin Geisler wrote:
> Steve Barnes <gadgetsteve at> writes:
>> If you find that the commands work in a new clone but not in the
>> original that might be due to the age of hg that you created the
>> orig-dir with.
> No, that is almost never the problem. The on-disk format of the
> repositories have changed very little over the years.
> When the format has changed, it has always been changed in a way so that
> a new version of Mercurial can read/write the old version. That means
> that it is always safe to upgrade Mercurial: Mercurial 2.8 can use a
> repository that was created with Mercurial 1.0. If you create a new
> repository with Mercurial 2.8, then Mercurial 1.0 will abort when it
> tries to access it -- the old Mercurial will complain about an unknown
> format or unknown requirement.
> See the wiki for more details about the (rare) changes in repository
> format:

Thanks for the information - I did intend that caution as a /just in 
case/ - I am little over aware of possible issues on the subject at the 
moment as we are having some issues with svn on just this issue - 
unfortunately we have a variety of tools that are used with our svn 
repositories and not all can newer versions of the local file format but 
several in the later editions will only work after upgrading the 
repo...  Thus it is *very *good to hear that the hg community has 
avoided such bear traps.

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