server in the cloud

Michael Mossey michaelmossey at
Tue Jan 21 08:23:35 UTC 2014

Sorry to ask what might be a basic question, but I understand so little 
about Mercurial that the documentation makes little sense to me, and 
Google doesn't bring up anything relevant.

I'm working on a small programming project with one other programmer 
(happens to use WinPython). We need some form of version control, in 
particular to share work that we do at different sites. We each have a 
Windows 7 laptop.

We also each have web domains hosted on one of those basic providers (in 
my case, MidPhase).

Can we use Mercurial? I understand it's considered "distributed" version 
control, but the most important thing that we need to be able to do is 
share code with each other when we are at different sites.


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