Non recursive update with subrepo's

Kastner Masilko, Friedrich kastner-masilko at
Thu Jan 30 16:02:14 UTC 2014

> From: Raphael Sebbe [mailto:raphael.sebbe at]
> I will double-check that, it's possible. I use it mostly through a UI
> (SourceTree), so I need to verify that.

Well, a proper GUI should take this into account, too. TortoiseHg does it by means of presenting a prompt with the options to merge, shelve, or discard changes if it detects dirty working-copies. If "merge" is used, it simply lets Mercurial do its magic on the working-copy merge.

Of course there is always the possibility for a non-standard configuration. You could e.g. set a default to always use -C on update. Perhaps your UI did such nonsense on installation?


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