Are revlog diff calculated as "text" ALWAYS?

Jesus Cea jcea at
Wed May 14 14:04:13 UTC 2014

On 14/05/14 10:24, Kastner Masilko, Friedrich wrote:
>> From: mercurial-bounces at
>> [mailto:mercurial-bounces at] On Behalf Of Jesus Cea
>> You don't want fixed size chunks (unless your source files are
>> database files). Any insertion in the middle of the file will
>> change all blocks after it.
>> You want to find a suitable "linefeed" mark that doesn't change a
>> lot when you do small changes to the file. For instance, for XML
>> files, the "line ending" could be the character ">".
> It is clear that my proposal is _not_ the generic solution to all
> those problems resulting from the used line-based algorithm. But it
> would ease the described situation somewhat, without cutting too much
> into performance or usage. Let's see if a patch gets some positive
> reviews...

The problem with your suggestion, Friedrich is that your proposal is
only useful for block oriented content like databases. For my problem at
hand, ODT/DOCX documents, it would be not useful at all. Completely

Since current code already scans the document hunting for "\n" maybe it
could keep counters for other "frequent" markers like ">", "\r", space,
etc, and choose a "fragment marker" a little bit more cleverly.

Another option would be to abandon current approach (line oriented) and
embrace a completely different (but revlog compatible) option like
xdelta (I have no particular love for it, it is just a suggestion). If
the revlog compatibility can be ensured, I guess the only problem would
be performance difference, if any.

Current code split the input files in lines, compute a hash of each one
and then use that to compare both files and calculate the DIFF.

Another approach would be to use a rolling hash
<> based on Rabin Fingerprint
<> to break the input
files in arbitrary statistically calculable block sizes (lets say, 32
bytes) and do the diff on them. It would be an hybrid between your
aligned fixed-size block proposal and flexible size/alignment of a
rolling hash. This option auto-align blocks when you do inserts/deletes,

Details available under demand, if there is interest in pursuing this :).

This could be suboptimal for text files, where lines are a natural block
unit, but it could work too. If you can switch between both approaches
according to text/binary detection.

Jesús Cea Avión                         _/_/      _/_/_/        _/_/_/
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