Are revlog diff calculated as "text" ALWAYS?

Kastner Masilko, Friedrich kastner-masilko at
Wed May 14 14:38:42 UTC 2014

> From: mercurial-bounces at [mailto:mercurial-bounces at] On Behalf Of Jesus Cea
> The problem with your suggestion, Friedrich is that your proposal is
> only useful for block oriented content like databases. For my problem
> at hand, ODT/DOCX documents, it would be not useful at all. Completely
> ineffective.

That's not true. In the _example_ you gave, the suggested block-delimiting to 4k reduces the delta from 200k to max. 4k. The same would be true in similar circumstances for deserialized XMLs, i.e. if you have XMLs that grow, or get insertions in the middle of the file, the resulting delta would not be as big as before, but reduced. Sure it would not change anything if the insertion is at the beginning of the file, but as I said: it is no generic solution, just an enhancement of the current algorithm without too much risk. Every win - and if only the skipping of the first chunk - would be better than nothing, right?

I really doubt that a general xdelta system will be as fast as the current bdiff implementation. I suspect (from the code I skimmed of that xdelta project) that it will be an order of magnitude slower. I'm pretty sure that the Mercurial maintainers will find that an unacceptable change to be done "only" to fix this special binary situation.

In a similar manner, every heuristical approach (counting markers, "guessing" binary status) will induce "magic", as you already wrote. Thus it increases risk of breakage deep down in the very backbones of the whole system. The appropriate patch would have a low chance of finding its way into productive deployments, either.

I know it is a very pragmatic approach, but have you tried block-delimiting in your case already? My quick tests on a simple Word document tells me that it reduces the store size by ~60% without much change regarding commit time. If this patch goes through due to being minimal-invasive, would that not be appreciated?


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