.classpath file is missing when cloning a repository

Dirk Heinrichs dhs at recommind.com
Tue Nov 11 14:25:46 UTC 2014

Am 11.11.2014 um 15:01 schrieb Eyvind Almqvist:

> We set up a main repository on Bitbucket. Someone in the team then
> made an almost empty Eclipse project and pushed it to the main
> repository. The others in the team then cloned the main repository. 
> The cloning works for everyone except one member of the team, who has
> a Linux PC. The .classpath file is missing in his cloned project. It
> is not possible to run the project, the error message is

Is it really missing, or just not visible to humans? Files beginning
with a dot are considered hidden on Unix systems, use "ls -al" in a
shell to verify.

> "The project cannot be built until the build path errors are resolved.
> Unbound classpath container: 'JRE System Library [Java SE-1.8]' in
> project 'FiveFive'"

If above command shows the file exists in the clone, then maybe it's a
problem with its content.

> I tried to clone the project on my PC with the team members login and
> username. It works without problems on my PC. What could be the cause
> of this issue and how can I solve it? Could it be because all of the
> other team members has Windows and the guy with the missing classpath
> has Linux?

Nope. What about Java 8? Does he have it installed on his Linux box?



*Dirk Heinrichs*, Senior Systems Engineer, Engineering Solutions
*Recommind GmbH*, Von-Liebig-Straße 1, 53359 Rheinbach
*Tel*: +49 2226 1596666 (Ansage) 1149
*Email*: dhs at recommind.com <mailto:dhs at recommind.com>
*Skype*: dirk.heinrichs.recommind
www.recommind.com <http://www.recommind.com>
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