question about fold

Neal Becker ndbecker2 at
Thu Apr 2 13:19:31 UTC 2015

This morning I copied some of my updates from machine 1 to machine 2.  
Everything was built fine on m1, so I pulled the update to m2.  But it 
didn't build on m2.  I had forgotten to add/ci some files.  So I fixed that 
on m1 and pulled to m2.

So this would seem like a perfect use for fold.  Now I have 2 different 
commits, the first says:

added feature foo

and 2nd says:

more foo

or something to that effect.

But I can't use fold, because fold refused to operate on 'public' repos.

So finally, here is my question.  Is this restriction necessary, or could it 
be eventually removed?  Just wondering.

Those who fail to understand recursion are doomed to repeat it

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