"hg convert --filemap" and include directive

Ernie Rael err at raelity.com
Mon Jan 19 23:16:10 UTC 2015


Before I start digging and trying stuff, I'm hoping for some 

Online wiki says

    The include directive causes a file, or all files under a directory,
    to be included in the destination repository, and the exclusion of
    any other element that's not under an inclusion rule.

and in "hg help convert" it says

      If there are any "include" statements, nothing else is included.

These two statements agree. But in the wiki there is an example:

    For example, to import all files except doc subdirectory, but
    include doc/foo bar.txt and include doc/FAQ renaming it to faq, use:

        # Documentation is to be converted to separate repository.
        exclude "doc"
        include "doc/foo bar.txt"
        rename "doc/FAQ" "faq"

There is one, and only one, include statement and it is a file. 
According to docs, only this file should be converted. But the example's 
statement of intent, and indicated by the exclude statement, is to 
import all files except doc.

Also in the example there is the rename statement, the help  says

    The "rename" directive renames a file or directory if it is converted.

Since "doc/FAQ" is excluded and not included, I would not expect it to 
be converted and thus there would be nothing to rename. Does the rename 
have an implicit include for the path/to/source?

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