Thanks for the hg facilities!

Arne Babenhauserheide arne_bab at
Sun Jan 4 12:30:26 UTC 2015

Am Sonntag, 4. Januar 2015, 11:02:14 schrieb Harry .:
> <quote author="Steve Barnes">
> Just to add my 2¢: Almost all VSCs have issues with large binary files -
> they are after all not source code - and Mercurial has a very nice way
> of avoiding the issue with the Large Files extension.
> </quote>
> Another problem with Large Files extension is hosting services like BitBucket which don't offer it.

That’s a big one, yes. The infrastructure for largefiles is severly
lacking (this also was a huge problem for subrepos for a long time -
until bitbucket added real support for them).

Sadly it’s not so easy to fix from the hg side.

Best wishes,
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