Shipping hg-git by default?

Lester Caine lester at
Sat Sep 26 11:48:05 UTC 2015

On 26/09/15 11:06, Erik Huelsmann wrote:
> I think you're unnecessarily harsh on yourselves here. I use hg-git
> every day, have done so for more than a year, and it works great! The
> only issue that I have with it has to do with a very specific situation
> where HG commit hashes are incorrectly (not) translated to Git hashes.
> Other than that, no problems.
> You might argue that I ought to switch to Git. I don't want to though:
> from a user's perspective, Hg feels much more polished and tuned to *my*
> processes than Git. Git feels like I'm handed the Lego bricks and I need
> to make my own composed commands and processes out of it. Hg just offers
> me a complete and comprehensible workflow. So, as long as I don't *have*
> to switch to Git, I'm really happy to keep using Mercurial, with a mix
> of repositories, both Hg and Git. (Unfortunately, with more of he latter
> than the former.)

I'm in much the same position ... for a much longer time. I first had
the hassle of github when one of my major code sources just switched
with little discussion. Even today I think it was totally the wrong
choice but it's now history. At that time there were no cross platform
GUI tools for git and little support in things like Eclipse, so I
started using TortoiseHg and while it's got it's holes when working with
Git, SVN and CVS, in general it just works for what I want to do.

In my setup, the first thing I have to do is load up hg-git and even on
a distribution such as SUSE13.x this can be fun.
has just appeared again and I'm not sure why :( SO I would like to see
hg-git cleanly bundled along with hgsubversion!

Yep - packages on suse are out of date with the main mercurial package
:( Working again ...

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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