git plugin

Marcin Kasperski Marcin.Kasperski at
Wed Apr 20 18:30:20 UTC 2016

Uwe Brauer <oub at> writes:

> On my main Ubuntu machine (Laptop) I have mercurial 3.0.1 running which I
> installed together with its relevant tortoisehg version from.
> (…)
> Now it seems that the hggit extension was already included.
> I just added
> hggit =

Maybe you executed
   apt-get install mercurial-git
at some point of time…

(or you installed something that depended on mercurial-git - I am not
100% sure but it could be that some tortoisehg packages depended on it)

> However on another Ubuntu machine (Server 64 bit version) I had to
> install mercurial 3.0.1 from source which was surprisingly easy.

As you were on it, you could consider using newer version ;-)

> However hggit is not included.

It's never included in Mercurial core, it lives as separately installed

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