
Kevin Bullock kbullock+mercurial at
Wed Aug 31 14:57:57 UTC 2016

> On Aug 31, 2016, at 02:28, Nicolas Pinault <nicolasp at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm starting to use subrepositories.
> My first question : Do I have to add .hgsubstate to the repository ?

No, you just create the .hgsub file and Mercurial maintains the .hgsubstate for you.

What are you using them for? Subrepos are generally considered a feature of last resort—a feature that is fully supported, but has significant tradeoffs in its use vs. normal Mercurial usage. You'll want to read the recommendations and caveats on the wiki: <>

pacem in terris / мир / शान्ति / ‎‫سَلاَم‬ / 平和
Kevin R. Bullock

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