Creating a bundle with bookmarks and obsolete-markers from Python-code

Arne Babenhauserheide arne_bab at
Sun Feb 21 13:40:21 UTC 2016


How can I create a bundle-file with bookmarks and obsolete-markers from
Python-code? I’m maintaining the Infocalypse extension¹ which uses
bundles to exchange revisions. Its most important shortcoming is that it
currently does not support bookmarks or obsolete markers.

To change this without too extensive rewriting, I need to create
bundle-files which contain information about bookmarks and
obsolete-markers: If I give it to someone else, pulling from the bundle
needs to yield the additional bookmarks and obsolete-markers.

Can I currently create such a bundle?

Best wishes,

Unpolitisch sein
heißt politisch sein
ohne es zu merken
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