Creating a bundle with bookmarks and obsolete-markers from Python-code

Arne Babenhauserheide arne_bab at
Sun Feb 21 23:59:51 UTC 2016


Pierre-Yves David writes:

> On 02/21/2016 02:40 PM, Arne Babenhauserheide wrote:
>> How can I create a bundle-file with bookmarks and obsolete-markers from
>> Python-code? I’m maintaining the Infocalypse extension¹ which uses
>> bundles to exchange revisions. Its most important shortcoming is that it
>> currently does not support bookmarks or obsolete markers.
>> To change this without too extensive rewriting, I need to create
>> bundle-files which contain information about bookmarks and
>> obsolete-markers: If I give it to someone else, pulling from the bundle
>> needs to yield the additional bookmarks and obsolete-markers.
> Adding obsolescence marker is easy. Bundle2 already support obsolescence 
> markers part, you can just add one with the content you need. I can help 
> you compute/know what are the marker you need to include in a bundle if 
> you tell me more about what you are doing.

Thank you for your answer!

What I need is essentially a minimal working example how to create a
bundle2 with obsolete markers.

> Bookmark is more stricky. We have a pushkey part for bundle2 but it is 
> "imperative" not "descriptive", Pushkey convey a movement from old 
> location A to new location B. So you can't store a bookmark "location", 
> juste a movement. Maybe it fits your need.

Can I store bookmark creation? Something like move from null to B?

People only get the repository via a set of bundle-files. They clone by
downloading a bundle-file and pulling its changes into an empty

Best wishes,
Unpolitisch sein
heißt politisch sein
ohne es zu merken
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