Handling different customers and products

evenak at live.se evenak at live.se
Mon Jan 4 09:08:39 UTC 2016

I have the following situation that I want to handle in Mercurial.

I have three customers, C1, C2 and C3. They have all three products, P1, P2 and P3.
P1 only exists in a base version that all customers have.
P2 have three active versions, P1v0 the base version used by C1, and two
variants, P2var1 that C2 has and P2var2 that C3 has.
Similarly product P3 has three versions. P3v0 that is not used by anyone now, and
P3var1 that C1 and C2 has, and P3var2 that C3 has. There is no logical connection between
the different variants. It is only based on customer preference.

How can I best represent this in Mercurial?

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