Nested Directories

Lester Caine lester at
Thu Jan 14 14:58:53 UTC 2016

I've been spending some time tidying up my development environment and
trying to address a number of problems. Many were simply down to broken
config data in the Eclipse platform, and I've started from a blank disk
and reinstalled everything without using any existing project files. One
problem that has come up is the prominence of 'git' in the latest
versions of Eclipse, but while I have had Mercurialeclipse, I've relied
more on thg to handle the repository interface since the tools that
eclipse always provided to answer MOST of the complaints against simple
CVS became unusable. Getting SUSE13.2 to ditch dolphin and restore
Nautilus would be nice, but a few desktop links bring that up.

Anyway ... the problems remaining ...

I'm currently reliant on Nautilus to identify which directories have
outstanding commits, but I have to currently run pulls against each just
in case there are remote commits outstanding. This is brought about
because the module management from CVS was a casualty of DVCS
approaches, and each directory of the original projects is now a
separate repo. Some attempts at restoring the management has been made
with sub-repos both in git and hg, but I do accept now that what is
needed is a layer above the individual repo's which naturally allows the
repo's of third party tools to be picked up. So what is available?

I've just found hgnested which is currently hosted on rather than on google as the wiki
says. Since there is little in the way of on-line detail it looks like I
need to install it to see what it does?

Any support for this on Eclipse or Nautilus?

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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