mercuria destroys everyone's work

Reimer Behrends behrends at
Thu Jan 14 11:00:11 UTC 2016

FLORENT Philippe wrote:
> After a few months of usage, we thought we tamed the beast
> We thought installing our reps on a windows share had solved many issues

What I suspect happened is that you had problems because you were using 
a windows share; as the Wiki notes [1], publishing a repository on a 
networked file system is generally not recommended. This is because 
networked file systems often do not provide the same atomicity 
guarantees as local file systems (also, third-party software such as 
anti-virus scanner may independently do funny stuff, and users may 
accidentally corrupt the repository using other tools). This is not a 
Mercurial-specific issue, either; other version control systems also 
commonly recommend against using such a setup (e.g.: [2]), and for the 
same reasons (unless they were specifically written with that use case 
in mind).

			Reimer Behrends



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