mercuria destroys everyone's work

Kastner Masilko, Friedrich friedrich.kastnermasilko at
Thu Jan 14 09:35:15 UTC 2016

Using Mercurial since 2006 here. Never lost work with it. In contrast to Git, MKS, SVN, that is. Of course, YMMV.

From: Mercurial [mailto:mercurial-bounces at] On Behalf Of FLORENT Philippe
Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2016 8:35 AM
To: mercurial at
Subject: mercuria destroys everyone's work

After a few months of usage, we thought we tamed the beast
We thought installing our reps on a windows share had solved many issues
Well, no we still loose code and hours of work
countless hours repairing the new code that mercurial discarded in favour of older code without asking
Countless hours repairing/recreating our repositories when they just crash for no reason, us unable to push our new commits
We did not change the way we work with it, and after a month of """correct""" behavior, the whole thing once again get completely messed up
I officialy renounce, this package is an unstable and clearly not suited for a prod environement

Philippe Florent
MARKETING (Web Developpement - Architecture)

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