What have I broken?

Adrian Klaver adrian.klaver at aklaver.com
Tue Jan 19 17:20:15 UTC 2016

On 01/19/2016 09:06 AM, Lester Caine wrote:
> Not sure why, but something has broken ...
>> lester at linux3:/srv/repo> hg clone --verbose git+ssh://git@github.com:rurseekatze/OpenLinkMap /srv/repo/OpenLinkMap
>> Invalid command: 'g 'i t - u p l o a d - p a c k   ' r u r s e e k a t z e / O p e n L i n k M a p '''
>>    You appear to be using ssh to clone a git:// URL.
>>    Make sure your core.gitProxy config option and the
>>    GIT_PROXY_COMMAND environment variable are NOT set.
>> abort: git remote error: The remote server unexpectedly closed the connection.
> Don't think there have been any updates since I ran some other clones at
> the weekend, and the filter job worked fine yesterday. I'm getting the
> same error trying to sync with github via thg, but it's the hg which is
> failing?

Well I would say using hg to clone git is bound to fail, unless you have 
something else in between them doing the conversion. It would help to 
know if that is the case and what the setup is?


Adrian Klaver
adrian.klaver at aklaver.com

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