hg-git plugin, and git-fast export

Harvey Chapman hchapman-hg at 3gfp.com
Fri Jan 22 15:37:17 UTC 2016

> On Jan 22, 2016, at 9:40 AM, Arne Babenhauserheide <arne_bab at web.de> wrote:
> Am Freitag, 22. Januar 2016, 12:25:15 schrieb Uwe Brauer:
>> But what's about the hg-git plugin, could it, say, work with some of the
>> lisp projects which reside in github using that plugin and *not* screw
>> up things for the other git users? Does anybody has experience with that
>> plugin used in that way?
> I’m using hg-git almost daily for contributing to Freenet (on github,
> sadly). It’s not as convenient as contributing to a hg project (mostly
> clone, push and pull are quite a bit slower), but it works — and

I use hg-git with our 9GB company repo. Be warned that you will need quite a bit more disk space for large repos especially if they use a lot renames. My hg copy of our company repo which includes the entire .hg and .git folders along with the working copy is 33GB. However, it’s completely worth it. At this size, mercurial is a little slower than git, but not enough to care.

$ du -sh .git .hg .
9.3G	.git
 20G	.hg
 33G	.

> hg with hg-git is easier to use than git.

+++ This.

>> The case of collaboration seem less problematic since there branching
>> and merging does not occur that often.
> Branching and merging mostly works with hg-git, as long as you keep in
> mind that git branches are just bookmarks and have no intrinsic
> meaning.

The only thing I would add is to be a little careful with modifying history (e.g. commit —amend, strip). Then, you might need “hg git-cleanup”, “hg gimport”, and/or “hg gexport”. I’ve never gotten myself into a mess that I couldn’t fix.

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