before commit hook; list files to be committed respecting cmd arguments?

Ethan Furman ethan at
Mon Jul 11 21:12:42 UTC 2016

On 07/11/2016 02:01 PM, Ulrich Thomas Gabor via Mercurial wrote:

> I would like to aid the user in cleaning up his proposed changeset as
> best as possible. This sometimes requires changing files, which should
> be included in the changeset.

If a file has not been changed why would it need to be included?  Or are 
you saying if file a changes, than file b should have also changed and 
your hook can check for this?

> With a precommit hook this is easy, as the
> changeset has not been constructed yet, and whatever the hook changes is
> automatically included in the commit.

Can you give an example?


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