Copied changes into a different directory and Mercurial does not notice it, why?

Lester Caine lester at
Sun Oct 2 08:39:09 UTC 2016

On 01/10/16 22:29, Yves S. Garret wrote:
> repo/foo/stuff/morestuff.txt
>   +  /bar

This is not very easy to understand so just where is the 'repo'?

I have several projects all under 'repo', so the .hg directory that does
all the magic is in /repo/project1/ rather that at the /repo/ level. I
can copy 'project1' to another machine and have all the hg information
copied with it.

If the .hg directory is in /repo/ then YES you have to create repo/bar/
in the /repo directory for hg to see it ...

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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