configure external editor a script

Simon King simon at
Wed Oct 19 13:39:22 UTC 2016

On Wed, Oct 19, 2016 at 2:14 PM, Uwe Brauer <oub at> wrote:
> Hi
> Following
> I tried the following
> editor = /home/oub/scripts/hg-commit-editor
> With
> #!/bin/sh
> hg status --unknown | sed -e 's|^|HG: |' >> $1
> /opt/emacs25/bin/emacsclient $1
> Still the file for the commit message is opened in /tmp not in the local
> repo directory.
> Any comments?

Mercurial uses the python "mkstemp" function to create a temporary
file with the default commit message, then launches the configured
editor on that temporary file:

mkstemp will use the TMPDIR, TEMP or TMP environment variables as the
directory for the temporary file:

So if you set one of those environment variables before committing,
you can control the location of the temporary file. You could even do
that in an alias:

    uwecommit = !TMPDIR=$($HG root) $HG commit "$@"

Hope that helps,


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