Request for comments about using named branches to track releases

Arne Babenhauserheide arne_bab at
Sun Aug 27 19:54:22 UTC 2017

Steve - Gadget Barnes <gadgetsteve at> writes:

> On 25/08/2017 03:37, Mario Castelán Castro wrote:
>>   it can not be generated at
>> compile-time by calling Mercurial.
> Why not? It is reasonably usual in many VCSs and Development Work Cycles 
> to do exactly that for compiled languages and for interpreted languages 
> such as python to have a "Publish" or "Release" step that uses the VCS 
> to update/create a version information file of some form that provides 
> the information.

Having had to build git-projects which I cloned with hg-git, and having
experienced projects which switched from CVS to SVN or SVN to HG and
suddenly could not build their old versions anymore, I came to cherish
VCS-independent build systems, so I understand the request.

Best wishes,
Unpolitisch sein
heißt politisch sein
ohne es zu merken
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