Issue with https mercurial push

Don Wills don.wills at
Mon Feb 13 14:25:54 UTC 2017

This might be relevant.  We had one work-at-home person using a private hg repo on a host at a commercial provider.  hg access was via ssh, using either the Eclipse plugin and command line tools.  Unbeknownst to all, at some point in time, IPv6 connectivity was established between the user's home location and the server containing the repo.  Performance of push and pull went from one second to a few minutes.  Adding this line:
   AddressFamily inet
to a configuration file fixed the problem by forcing use of IPv4 only.

> On Feb 13, 2017, at 7:47 AM, Andrew Fischer <andrew at> wrote:
> While I am not sure what your problem is, as I have never run into an issue like this, I do run hgweb on uwsgi served behind nginx. It's been trouble free for years, so I'll post my configs (old though they may be) and maybe something will help. It almost sounds to me like uwsgi isn't getting a return code passed back properly to nginx. 
> Also, it's worth verifying that the user uwsgi runs as has proper permissions on all parts of the hg repo being served. I have been burned by that before. 
> My configs:
> ============
> START: nginx.conf
> ============
>     server {
>         #SSL, AUTH, ROOT, ETC
>         # Larger timeouts for hg
>         keepalive_timeout 120s;
>         send_timeout 120s;
>         client_body_timeout 120s;
>         # Disabled, you may push any size
>         client_max_body_size 0;
>         # Mercurial repositories are handled by uwsgi
>         location / { 
>             include uwsgi_params;
>             uwsgi_pass unix:///run/uwsgi/hg.sock;
>             uwsgi_param SCRIPT_NAME /;
>             uwsgi_param AUTH_USER $remote_user;
>             uwsgi_param REMOTE_USER $remote_user;
>             uwsgi_param HTTPS on; 
>         }   
>         # Catch static mercurial webserver files
>         location /static/ {
>             rewrite /static/(.*) /$1 break;
>             root /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mercurial/templates/static/;
>             expires 30d;
>         }
>     }   
> ============
> END: nginx.conf
> ============
> ============
> START: uwsgi.ini
> ============
> [uwsgi]
> plugins = python2
> uid = http
> gid = http
> socket = /run/uwsgi/hg.sock
> master = true
> processes = 4
> buffer-size = 32786
> pythonpath = /srv/http/nginx/https/hg
> module = hgweb
> pidfile = /run/uwsgi/
> logto = /var/log/hg.log    
> ============
> END: uwsgi.ini
> ============
> =================
> START: hgweb.config
> =================
> [collections]
> /srv/http/nginx/https/hg/repository = /srv/http/nginx/https/hg/repository
> =================
> END: hgweb.config
> =================
> On Sat, Feb 11, 2017 at 9:39 PM, David Kalliecharan <davidkallie at <mailto:davidkallie at>> wrote:
> Hello!
> I have been having issues with `hg push` over HTTPS and get timeouts. My setup is using nginx with uwsgi and hgweb.wsgi. The push times out, but the push actually succeeds, but will not return until the timeout finishes, which is annoying. Checking hg out after or the server side repo shows the push in fact happened.
> A lot of people mention the use of a huge repo, but here I am using a test repo with 1 file in it, and still to no avail.
> I have been filtering through the internet, trying to find solutions to this problem as best as I could. 
> hg pull, in, out works just fine, all features work with ssh just fine as well.
> All directories have the same group and user for both nginx and uwsgi
> The web frontend works just fine.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
> Here is the relevant information I can provide:
> =================
> START: hg --debug -vv push
> =================
> using ca certificates from certifi
> using /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/certifi/cacert.pem for C
> query 1; heads
> sending batch command
> searching for changes
> all remote heads known locally
> preparing listkeys for "phases"
> sending listkeys command
> received listkey for "phases": 15 bytes
> checking for updated bookmarks
> preparing listkeys for "bookmarks"
> sending listkeys command
> received listkey for "bookmarks": 0 bytes
> sending branchmap command
> sending branchmap command
> preparing listkeys for "bookmarks"
> sending listkeys command
> received listkey for "bookmarks": 0 bytes
> 1 changesets found
> list of changesets:
> d9bf739880c552856c6184f514aad5e127429565
> bundle2-output-bundle: "HG20", 4 parts total
> bundle2-output-part: "replycaps" 155 bytes payload
> bundle2-output-part: "check:heads" streamed payload
> bundle2-output-part: "changegroup" (params: 1 mandatory) streamed pay
> bundle2-output-part: "pushkey" (params: 4 mandatory) empty payload
> sending unbundle command
> sending 938 bytes
> bundle2-input-bundle: with-transaction
> bundle2-input-part: "reply:changegroup" (advisory) (params: 0 advisord
> bundle2-input-part: "output" (advisory) (params: 0 advisory) supporte
> bundle2-input-part: total payload size 100
> remote: adding changesets
> remote: adding manifests
> remote: adding file changes
> remote: added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
> bundle2-input-part: "reply:pushkey" (params: 0 advisory) supported
> bundle2-input-part: "output" (advisory) supported
> bundle2-input-bundle: 3 parts total
> preparing listkeys for "phases"
> sending listkeys command
> abort: error: Operation timed out
> =================
> END hg push
> =================
> =================
> START: nginx.conf
> =================
> server { 
> # SSL certs, ciphers etc... 
> limit_except GET HEAD {
>     auth_basic "hg repo"
>     auth_basic_user_file /usr/local/www/repo/auth.passwd;
> }
> location / {
>      try_files $uri @app;
> }
> location @app {
>     include uwsgi_params;
>     uwsgi_pass unix:/usr/local/www/repo/hgweb.sock;
>     uwsgi_param SERVER_ADDR $server_addr;
>     uwsgi_param REMOTE_USER $remote_user;
>     uwsgi_param SCRIPT_NAME "";
> }
> location  /static {
>             alias /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mercurial/templates/static;
>             expires 30d;
> }
> }
> =================
> END: nginx.conf
> =================
> =================
> START: uwsgi_hgweb.ini
> =================
> [uwsgi]
> chdir           = /usr/local/www/repo
> wsgi-file       = hgweb.wsgi
> processes       = 2
> socket          = /usr/local/www/repo/hgweb.sock
> pidfile         = /usr/local/www/repo/
> chmod-socket    = 664
> =================
> END: uwsgi_hgweb.ini
> =================
> =================
> START: hgweb.config
> =================
> [paths]
> / = /usr/local/repo/hg/*
> [web]
> baseurl = /
> contact = Unknown
> staticurl = /static
> =================
> END: hgweb.config
> =================
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> -- 
> Andrew Fischer
> Apastron Co
> 903 1st ST N Hopkins, MN
> 952-373-1024
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