Need advice about merging different versions of a file

Arne Babenhauserheide arne_bab at
Fri Mar 31 22:54:49 UTC 2017

Harry Putnam <reader at> writes:

> But the second case where the same information may appear in different
> spots in the files being compared, and I mean `exactly' the same or
> maybe only differing in white space.... what can be done in that case,
> far as merging to one file that contains only one spot for that
> information?
> Can that even be done? I mean in some way not slowly and by hand. 

You could use the convert extension to create repositories which only
contain this file. Then hg pull them into each other as multiple heads
and merge them one by one, hoping that you won’t have to resolve too
many conflicts by hand.

I regularly get a similar problem with my org-mode files (though there
it’s worse, because they mostly used by appending/prepending). As long
as there is unchanged context, even moved content might work. But you’ll
have to resolve some parts by hand, because whitespace might get treated
as common context.

Best wishes,
Unpolitisch sein
heißt politisch sein
ohne es zu merken
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