remote bookmarks confusion and hg-git

Bill Shannon bill.shannon at
Fri May 12 21:15:42 UTC 2017

Nathan Goldbaum wrote on 05/12/17 01:48 PM:
> On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 3:34 PM Bill Shannon <bill.shannon at
> <mailto:bill.shannon at>> wrote:
>     Ok, thanks, this is starting to become clear.
>     How does it determine which bookmark is checked out when you do a clone
>     (assuming I don't have a "@" bookmark)?  Is it just the bookmark
>     associated with the last rev?
> If you don't have an @ bookmark, clone will not activate any bookmarks.
If no bookmarks are activated, no bookmarks will be updated when changes are
made, right?

But what rev will be checked out?  The latest rev?  Which might be from the
gh-pages bookmark instead of the master bookmark?

If I want to clone the repo and predictably end up viewing the master bookmark,
what should I do?  "hg update master" after the clone?  "hg clone -u master"? 
"hg clone -r master"?

>     How does it determine which bookmark is checked out on pull?  Is it
>     whatever bookmark the client already has checked out?  What if the client
>     is seeing bookmarks for the first time?
> All bookmarks on the remote repo are pulled. I guess a legacy client from
> before bookmarks were a thing would discard them but that would be a really
> old version of mercurial.
No, I'm thinking about a client that knows about bookmarks, but a local
repository that hasn't yet seen the bookmarks and is about to see them for the
first time as they're pulled from the remote.  What bookmark will be activated,
if any, and what revision will be checked out?

I guess if the client already knows about bookmarks, whatever bookmark is
activated before the pull will still be activated after the pull, right?

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