pushing a repo with subrepos to usb

Uwe Brauer oub at mat.ucm.es
Sat Oct 14 08:41:56 UTC 2017


I am using Ubuntu 14.04 and mercurial 4.2-rc.

Since I had problem with rsync I try to push my local repo (laptop1) to a USB and
later from to the usb to repo (laptop 2).

That works well however one repo as two subrepos.


So I try to push
hg push -R /home/oub/repo1 /media/oub/LinuxData/oub/repo1
but I obtain

pushing subrepo subrepo1  to /media/oub/LinuxData/oub/suprepo1
abort: repository /media/oub/LinuxData/oub/suprepo1

The message is correct since I have

quim-hojas-problemas = ../quim-hojas-problemas
curso_2016_17 = ../curso_2016_17

In my .hgsub file.

I had to use that setting since otherwise I cannot push that repo (and
its subrepos) to bitbucket.

So what is the best setting in this situation? Can I find a setting with
satisfies both needs, I.e pushing locally and to bitbucket?
I could use links, but I am not huge friends of them, since they make
things messy.

There are third party extension for subrepos, maybe they can deal with
my situation?


Uwe Brauer 

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