Extracting single file from remote hg repository

Gregor Mückl GregorMueckl at gmx.de
Mon Aug 19 17:59:36 UTC 2019

On 8/19/2019 4:36 PM, Scott Palmer wrote:
> You mention: "I have to assume that the remote repository is running without a
> hosting server or with an unknown one. So abusing a web frontend for
> this task is out of the question.”
> But it must be a hosting server that follows the Mercurial server protocols.  Is it not standard to support ‘raw’ file access via the URL?
> Like this:
> <scheme>://<server>/project_path/path/to/file/raw/<HASH>
> To get the raw file, identified by "path/to/file” at the given changeset hash, for the repo at “<scheme>://<server>/project_path”  ?  Are there Mercurial servers that don’t support this?
> Scott

How does this work over the ssh protocol? This is a protocol that I need
to have a solution for.


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