A stupid problem with a nested repo

Victor Sudakov vas at mpeks.tomsk.su
Sun Jan 27 14:00:02 UTC 2019

Victor Sudakov wrote:
> Steve - Gadget Barnes wrote:
> > Is it possible that the "modified" files have been added to the parent repo rather than namedb? 
> In this case, "hg status' in the child "namedb" repo would show them
> with "?" markers, but this is not happening.
> In fact, they may be erroneously added to both repos, but how do I fix
> this?

No, this does not seem to be the case:

$ hg status
$ hg status -S 
M namedb/master/biometrica.tomsk.ru
M namedb/master/rusnet.tomsk.ru
M namedb/master/tomsk.su
$ hg log namedb/master/rusnet.tomsk.ru
abort: path 'namedb/master/rusnet.tomsk.ru' is inside nested repo 'namedb'

Anyway, "hg commit" in the parent repo committed the .hgsubstate file,
and the problem seems gone for now. 

Is this normal? Am I expected to commit the .hgsubstate file?

Victor Sudakov,  VAS4-RIPE, VAS47-RIPN
2:5005/49 at fidonet http://vas.tomsk.ru/

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