OpenJDK (Java) migrating from Mercurial?

Malcolm Matalka mmatalka at
Tue Nov 19 09:56:26 UTC 2019

Arne Babenhauserheide <arne_bab at> writes:

> Malcolm Matalka <mmatalka at> writes:
>> Craig Ozancin <c.ozancin at> writes:
>> I think this is also a problem, though.  As someone who is a big hg fan
>> only recently, I struggled for awhile to figure out how to do branching
>> in hg and I probably still don't do it very well.  I, almost
>> exclusively, use bookmarks.  And because there are so many options out
>> there, there is also no definitive "here is how to do it" document.  The
>> technical information is also conflicting.  Are hg branches too
>> expensive for git-like branching?  Some say yes, some say no.
> I checked that with 10k branches and found no performance problems.
> And this is also what I miss in most discussions between git and
> anything else: Checking claims before making them.

I did not make a claim that branching in hg was expensive, I made a
claim that there is conflicting information about if it is expensive,
and that can be off-putting to prospective users.

I also think it's an unreasonable expectation that perspective users
will performance test hg before deciding to use it.  And performance
testing is actually quite hard.  You have a little test below, but there
are numerous scenarios one can have with a product and it is quite
possible to miss some of them, especially if you are new to a product.
Your example below doesn't address cloning, merging,  the changes don't
reflect real changes one might do.  Or take the content of this thread:
renaming files!  How is a brand new user supposed to realize a big
rename is the death knell for their repo much less realize they should
test it in a performance analysis???

> If you wonder whether branches are expensive, it is very easy to simply
> check that.
> hg init testbranching
> cd testbranching
> echo 1>1; hg ci -Am zero
> echo 2>1; hg ci -Am one
> time for i in {2..100}; do echo $i > $i; hg update -q $((($i / 2))); hg branch -q b$i; hg ci -qAm $i; done
> time for i in {102..200}; do echo $i > $i; hg update -q $((($i / 2))); hg branch -q b$i; hg ci -qAm $i; done
> Though I have to say that I’m a bit surprised that this only does about
> one loop iteration per second. I remember hg being faster at this.
> Startup time is around 300ms on my machine, and I don’t have slow disks.
> Best wishes,
> Arne
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