mercurial hg-git cannot push to github
Paul Jackson
pj at
Wed Nov 20 06:31:33 UTC 2019
Starting once again with a non-existent subdirectory ./rawscan,
and doing your suggested:
hg clone git+ rawscan
(which is what I had done earlier, plus the "git+" prefix),
the clone continued to work fine, with one quite reasonable difference,
that being that the newly created rawscan/.hg/hgrc file differed from
the hgrc file that my earlier hg clones had created as follows:
$ diff rawscan.old/.hg/hgrc rawscan/.hg/hgrc
< default =
> default = git+
Ok so far. The added "git+" prefix shows up in .hg/hgrc. Good.
But then I found no further joy.
First, if either of your suggested "hg push" variants were to be
preferred over one using the above "git+https://..." variant,
why wouldn't my new .hg/hgrc file already have that better
Second, neither of your suggested "hg push" variants worked
for me in this new "./newscan" hg clone, nor for that matter
did a naked "hg push" (thus using the above new "git+http://..."
default) work either.
I made and committed another trivial change to an already
tracked file, then tried the following four variants, with
both the command I entered and the varying error results
shown below:
$ hg push
pushing to git+
abort: git remote error: unexpected http resp 401 for
$ hg push git at
abort: repository git at does not exist!
$ hg push git+ssh://
pushing to git+ssh://
Unable to negotiate with port 22: no matching key exchange method found. Their offer: curve25519-sha256,curve25519-sha256 at,ecdh-sha2-nistp256,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp521,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
abort: git remote error: The remote server unexpectedly closed the connection.
$ hg push git+
pushing to git+
abort: git remote error: unexpected http resp 401 for
It does not surprise me that the third, "git+ssh" variant did not work,
as I do not have my github account setup to use ssh.
Nor does it surprise me that the fourth, final variant failed the same
way as the first one, as thanks to the .hg/hgrc default path, they are
essentially the same.
Nor does it surprise me that I am still clue deprived.
Paul Jackson
pj at
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