merge topics (two heads)

Uwe Brauer oub at
Mon Oct 28 13:48:57 UTC 2019

   > Uwe Brauer <oub at> writes:

   > I'm not sure how topics work, but for bookmarks, you cannot merge one
   > bookmark into another if it's just a fast forward.  

Right I know, 

   > So perhaps topics have the same semantics.

    1. If in mercurial you have a linear history and two bookmarks, you
       can only do a fast forward but not merge. Which is consistent
       with mercurial's philosophy because you have only one head.

    2. If you have a linear history but two named branch you can merge.
       Which is also consistent with mercurial's philosophie, because
       you have two heads.

    3. Now topics in a linear history confuses me. You have two heads
       (like in named branches) but you cannot merge them.

Git is different.

If you have a linear history and two git branches, you can either

    1. Fast forward (what most people do)

    2. Or merge without a fast forward, which I find more logical.

Uwe Brauer 
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