Help about Mercurial internal, where the default path is obtained from the address given to clone?

PIERRE AUGIER pierre.augier at
Fri Dec 11 11:27:32 UTC 2020


I'd like to try to fix an annoying issue that colleagues and students using Windows are encountering with hg-git. The issue is described here

On Windows, cloning a repo with the address given by Gitlab and Github (something like git at\myrepo.git) works fine but the default path is completely wrong:

default = C:\Users\AUGIER~1\AppData\Local\Temp\git at\myrepo.git

I tried to debug that by printing values in hg-git code but so far everything looks reasonable.

So I guess I need to understand where and why this local path (C:\Users\AUGIER~1\AppData\Local\Temp\) is prepend to the address.

It would be great if someone could give me some hints about how to fix that.


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