Help about Mercurial internal, where the default path is obtained from the address given to clone?
Marcin Kasperski
Marcin.Kasperski at
Mon Dec 14 20:07:35 UTC 2020
> I tried to debug that by printing values in hg-git code but so far everything looks reasonable.
> So I guess I need to understand where and why this local path
> (C:\Users\AUGIER~1\AppData\Local\Temp\) is prepend to the address.
If I were to bet, sth is making temorary git clone in Temp and then
cloning from there instead of cloning directly. But no idea where
exactly that happens. Apart from hg-git, it's possible dulwich
participates somehow (I'd look for things like „if …something…
we make local clone and operate from there instead of operating
via ssh on remote repo).
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