enforce-single-head = yes prevents commit, although there are no multiple heads

Uwe Brauer oub at mat.ucm.es
Thu Dec 17 08:33:44 UTC 2020

>>> "AB" == Arne Babenhauserheide <arne_bab at web.de> writes:

> Uwe Brauer <oub at mat.ucm.es> writes:

>> [experimental]
>> enforce-single-head = yes
>>> abort: 3 heads on "default"
>> (cbf9827aaa0b, c5126e027526, aa50036267da)
>> So I deleted the option and commited again, however when running 
>> hg heads
>> It returned one head not three 

> Could they be closed? You can check with

> hg heads --closed

Hm, good idea thanks but no:

hg heads --closed


changeset:   900:597cb79b1cdf
branch:      year-2020-21
tag:         tip
topic:       covid19
user:        Uwe Brauer <oub at mat.ucm.es>
date:        Thu Dec 17 08:45:03 2020 +0100
summary:     Typos and switch to email

Buy when I run 

hg  -r tip -T '{count(revset("head()"))}\n'

It return 

17 heads

What the heck is going on?

Maybe hg heads is buggy (for the version I use).

Please have a  look at this graph  (from a test repository 

◍  changeset:   4:047eecd044a9
│  Branch:      default
│  tag:         tip
│  Author:      Uwe Brauer <oub at mat.ucm.es>
│  Date:        Tue, 15 Dec 2020 18:22:55 +0100
│  Topic:       ThirdTopic
│  Phase:       draft
│  Summary:     Second head
│ ○  changeset:   3:c1b67b9c43dc
│ │  Branch:      default
│ │  Author:      Uwe Brauer <oub at mat.ucm.es>
│ │  Date:        Tue, 15 Dec 2020 18:18:09 +0100
│ │  Topic:       SecondTopic
│ │  Phase:       draft
│ │  Summary:     Fourth
│ │
│ ○  changeset:   2:000be01362b3
│╱   Branch:      default
│    Author:      Bernhard Riemann <bernhard.riemann at gmail.com>
│    Date:        Tue, 15 Dec 2020 18:18:09 +0100
│    Topic:       FirstTopic
│    Phase:       draft
│    Summary:     Third

Hg heads only returns 

changeset:   4:047eecd044a9
tag:         tip
topic:       ThirdTopic
parent:      1:7a628e187155
user:        Uwe Brauer <oub at mat.ucm.es>
date:        Tue Dec 15 18:22:55 2020 +0100
summary:     Second head

Which looks incorrect to me.


hg  -r tip -T '{count(revset("head()"))}\n'



Maybe I should interpolate ;-)

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