[External] remotefilelog: Large Manifest

Son Luong Ngoc son.luong at booking.com
Tue Mar 3 16:47:54 UTC 2020

Just to be a bit more clear

> On Mar 3, 2020, at 16:55, Son Luong Ngoc <son.luong at booking.com> wrote:

> But the speed is still not ideal as you still have to iterate through O(n) manifests and changesets on the serverside.
What I mean here is that I found cloning and widening with Narrow currently a bit slow.
hg clone --narrow my-repo-treemanifest --depth 10 --include README.md  382.37s user 48.91s system 95% cpu 7:33.36 total

The user experience with narrow spec-file format is also not very friendly as you are restricted to full path and no glob support.
That make things like trying to "clone all the files in the root directory, exclude all the dirs" a bit clunky... unless I am using it wrongly.
(reference MSFT blog https://github.blog/2020-01-17-bring-your-monorepo-down-to-size-with-sparse-checkout/ <https://github.blog/2020-01-17-bring-your-monorepo-down-to-size-with-sparse-checkout/>)

Son Luong.
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