merge from a topic

Georges Racinet georges.racinet at
Sun Mar 15 19:56:02 UTC 2020


On 3/15/20 7:52 PM, Alessandro Dentella wrote:
> I've been testing topics, staks and absorbe and I found it very nice. I',
> working with hg 5.3 and last evolve extension.
Always nice to read  :-)
> I have a couple of doubts that are unanswered by the tutorial that I found.
> I open a topic and write some changesets, play with them as needed till they
> are just good to be merged into default branch.
> If default has some new changeset, that would be a normal merge. Simple.
> In case default has no new changeset, the real operation would be to just get
> rid of the topic tag, nothing else I guess. What's the proper way to do that?

That case is even simpler, just publish your changeset, with `hg phase
--public -r REV`.

Alternatively, if your next move is to push it, you can directly issue
`hg push -r REV --publish`

Georges Racinet,
GPG: BF5456F4DC625443849B6E58EE20CA44EF691D39, sur serveurs publics

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