how to configure the global .hgrc file from the commandline

Uwe Brauer oub at
Sun May 24 14:51:21 UTC 2020

>>> "TM" == Tony Mechelynck <antoine.mechelynck at> writes:

   > On Sun, May 24, 2020 at 2:35 PM Uwe Brauer <oub at> wrote:
   >> Hi
   >> That may sound bizarre. But lately I collaborate with colleagues, who
   >> don't have much interest in OS details, and use different OS. So it is
   >> sometimes not clear to me, especially for Windows users, where the
   >> corresponding global .hgrc is located.
   >> That's why I would like to know how one could configure the global .hgrc
   >> file from the command-line, especially adding extensions.
   >> I googled but could not find anything
   >> Thanks
   >> Uwe Brauer

   > To enable, let's say, the mq extension "as if" there was a line "mq="
   > in section "[extensions]":

   > hg --config (other global options) (hg command)
   > (specific options)

Now I am confused

I want 

mq =

So I should just fire up

hg --config  global



Uwe Brauer 
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