[Culprit MacOsX 10.15] (was: change branch abort, case-folding collision)

Dr Rainer Woitok rainer.woitok at gmail.com
Fri Jun 4 07:29:37 UTC 2021


On Friday, 2021-06-04 08:14:12 +0200, you wrote:

> ...
> I found out the source of the problem, contrary to my exspectations
> MacOS 10.15 is *NOT* case intensive.

If an at least first solution  to your problem is  to simply rename file
"STEVE" to "Steve" on a case agnostic file system, you simply have to do
it in two steps, because both, "STEVE" and  "Steve" refer to exactly the
same file:

   hg mv STEVE Jobs
   hg commit -m 'Move STEVE to Steve, step 1.'
   hg mv Jobs Steve
   hg commit -m 'Move STEVE to Steve, step 2.'


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