[clone to a case-sensitive medium, did not help]

Uwe Brauer oub at mat.ucm.es
Sat Jun 5 14:58:05 UTC 2021

>>> "RW" == Rainer Woitok <rainer.woitok at gmail.com> writes:

> Uwe,
> On Saturday, 2021-06-05 13:12:33 +0200, you wrote:

>> ...
>> I don't know what is in the english branch, since I can't visit it, I
>> don't know.

> Didn't you say  in a previous post  that on the case sensitive USB stick
> you can do everything without getting case collisions?  So you could run
> "hg up -C english" there, couldn't you?

Sure, I can even do hg up english there

The problem is that this is a cheap USB so it is very slow. Working
there is not really a solution, sigh

I have a fast SSD, but I formatted it with linux (hsf+) and Mac
considers that as a case in-sensitive file format (if I had knew...)
Now it contains valuable information and till I get my linux machine
back, I don't dare to reformat it.

> By the way, did you try "hg verify" on both,  the case sensitive and the
> case insensitive clone of the repo?

Yes, no result
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