[clone to a case-sensitive medium, did not help]

Dr Rainer Woitok rainer.woitok at gmail.com
Sun Jun 6 15:21:31 UTC 2021


On Saturday, 2021-06-05 18:21:53 +0200, you wrote:

> ...
> Ok, that finally worked, there where quite a couple of these files. So
> now I can access the branch, but not *all* changesets (namely those with
> the name collisions, I cannot, sigh)

But you can access them  on your case sensitive USB stick.   May be it's
some work, may be it's slow, but it's doable there.

Things that come to mind to find the collisions:

   hg manifest --all | grep -i cali

   # Provided ther isn't a ".hgignore" file in the repository itself:

   HGPLAINEXCEPT= HGRCPATH= hg status | grep -i cali

   cd $correct_dir ; ls * | grep -i cali

> ...
> My conclusion is:
> Be careful with recent MacOs version, they are less unix like than you
> think!

It's not only a MacOS problem.   So I would generalize:  be careful with
case agnostic operating systems as for instance Widoze (and thus Cygwin)
as well as MacOS.  And keep in mind that at least in the case of Windoze
the culprit is the  operating system  rather than the file system:  NTFS
(originally designed by Microsoft)  DOES in fact  distinguish file "XxX"
from file "xXx" when used under Linux.


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