can't commit because of some utf-8? chars

Uwe Brauer oub at
Mon Mar 1 13:29:26 UTC 2021

> On Sun, Feb 28, 2021 at 9:19 PM Uwe Brauer <oub at> wrote:

> I'm saying that Mercurial got "Nordström" in Latin1 aka ISO-8859_1
> while it was expecting something in UTF-8. Now codepoints U+0000 to
> U+007F are represented identically in all three of US-ASCII, Latin1
> and UTF-8. Codepoints U+0080 to U+00FF don't exist in US-ASCII, and in
> Latin1 and UTF-8 they have the same scalar ordinal but not the same
> representation. So when Mercurial got something which is not a valid
> byte sequence in UTF-8 it hiccuped. (Maybe you know all this but I'm
> repeating it just in case.)

Thanks for clarifying. In principle I should know this, but in practise
I don't. I know realized who is the culprit, emacs. For reasons unknown
to me he produced a mixture between utf-8 and latin-1 in the text and I
copied that into the log message.

Now all is good, at least I hope so.

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