"hg push" hangs for one minute (exactly one minute)

Ernie Rael errael at raelity.com
Fri Apr 29 03:09:12 UTC 2022

On 4/28/22 5:58 PM, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
> On Thu, 28 Apr 2022 16:12:16 -0700, Ernie Rael <err at raelity.com> declaimed
> the following:
>> check around these? Not with an editor I think...
>> evoext_obshashrange_v2.sqlite: SQLite 3.x database, last written using
>> SQLite version 3035005
>> evoext_stablerange_v2.sqlite:  SQLite 3.x database, last written using
>> SQLite version 3035005
> 	Plenty of SQLite3 browser utilities around, besides the command line
> utility native to an SQLite3 download. DBeaver, for example

Thanks Dennis, I installed sqlite3.

So I used cifs' nobrl, and it worked on one a repo. Mounted without 
nobrl to experiment, and that /repo still works/. Other repos fail.

Ah, that seems to have been because there was nothing to push, guess 
when nobrl was in effect, something actually happened to sync things up. 
Made a little, change, and the pause is back. Oh, crap. That would seem 
to imply that the repo was inconsistent/out-of-sync somehow unless nobrl 
is in effect. But, *no errors from hg command* at any time about this.

Anyway, there's a 'PRAGMA schema.locking_mode EXCLUSIVE' I'm hoping 
might have a positive effect; that would be much better that the nobrl 
option. The "schema" is optional; I wonder if schema is specified if it 
is sticky on the database between connections. If not, I'll need to 
modify evolve, to check it out.


> (lacking an evoext_* database, I'll just grab something a search of my
> computer finds -- command line utility)
> C:\Users\Wulfraed>sqlite3
> c:\Apps\R\R-4.0.5\library\qtl2\extdata\mouse_genes_small.sqlite
> SQLite version 3.37.2 2022-01-06 13:25:41
> Enter ".help" for usage hints.
> sqlite> .schema
> CREATE TABLE `genes` (
>    `chr` TEXT,
>    `source` TEXT,
>    `type` TEXT,
>    `start` REAL,
>    `stop` REAL,
>    `score` REAL,
>    `strand` TEXT,
>    `phase` REAL,
>    `ID` TEXT,
>    `Name` TEXT,
>    `Parent` TEXT,
>    `Dbxref` TEXT,
>    `gene_id` TEXT,
>    `mgi_type` TEXT,
>    `description` TEXT
> );
> CREATE INDEX chr_start_stop ON genes (chr, start, stop);
> CREATE TABLE `description` (
>    `description` TEXT,
>    `source` TEXT,
>    `url` TEXT,
>    `date_created` TEXT,
>    `date_source` TEXT,
>    `genome_build` TEXT
> );
> sqlite> .mode box
> sqlite> select * from description;
> +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
> ¦                 description                  ¦                   source ¦
> url ¦ date_created ¦ date_source ¦ genome_build ¦
> +----------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+-------------+--------------¦
> ¦ mouse gene information (subset to 2 regions) ¦ Mouse Genome Informatics
> (MGI), Jackson Lab ¦
> http://www.informatics.jax.org/downloads/mgigff3/archive/monthly/MGI.202009.gff3.gz
> ¦ 2020-09-08   ¦ 2020-09-07  ¦ GRCm38/mm10  ¦
> +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
> sqlite>

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