After "rsync local remote:/src" everything modified

Ernie Rael errael at
Wed Feb 2 04:17:28 UTC 2022

Hi all,

Setting up a linux system at home; currently have repos on a windows 
machine. Run cygwin, but I use the windows release of mercurial.

I've copied several repos like

    rsync -az --stats swingset/ some_remote:/src/swingset

On the remote system, "hg st" shows everything M(odified). I've run "sum 
<fname>" on a few files and they are identical

In one repo, an hg-git repo, hg diff shows nothing. hg in/out are as 

The other repo, regular mercurial. I see stuff like

    $ hg diff License.txt
    diff --git a/License.txt b/License.txt
    old mode 100644
    new mode 100755


    $ ls -l License.txt
    -rwxrwx---+ 1 err None 24717 Dec 23  2019 License.txt

the "+" is probably cygwin magic and probably the source of the mode diff.

So I'm guessing both repos have some kind of metadata issue. I use LF on 
windows, but the files are OK, so I dont' think that's the issue.

One possibility is clone the repos on the target and selectively rsync 
related material that aren't under version control.

Any suggestions for other approaches? How can I see what the issue is 
inside ".hg/*"?


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