[SOLVED] (was: cannot push pull or fetch to a remote repository.)

Uwe Brauer oub at mat.ucm.es
Tue Feb 22 06:31:35 UTC 2022

>>> "BB" == Brendan Barnwell <brenbarn at brenbarn.net> writes:

> On 2022-02-21 11:51, Uwe Brauer wrote:
>> What the hell.
>> 1. So I clone the repository and indeed
>> on the branch 2020-21  in local repository, there are changesets
>> that are not on remote, so it seems I did not push them, but
>> created a new branch and added changesets.
>> So what shall I do now, strip the whole new branch? It is still
>> in draft mode

> 	What do you want to happen with those changesets?  Do you want
> 	to push them as a new head or get rid of them or merge them
> 	into some other branch or what?

The one I want to strip, these I want to push after I have sorted out
the mess. Which was done like this.

When expecting the graph carefully, I found a single head, that was
marked as public, but was not in the remote repository. No idea how that

hg heads did not display that head!

The easiest solution was to strip that change set and everything was
back to normal.

The messages I got very strange and not helpful to say the least.
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