Any experience with SourceHut?

Norman Gray gray at
Tue Nov 15 12:40:24 UTC 2022

Marcos, hello.

On 15 Nov 2022, at 10:33, Marcos Cruz wrote:

> Does anybody here have Mercurial repositories in SourceHut  (

I have (and pay for) a couple of repositories there.  It is very bare-bones, both visually and functionally, in the sense that there's little of the obvious workflow support that you'd get at gitlab or bitbucket.  The workflow support that there, for bugreports etc, is based around mail; this may greatly suit your taste, or you may hate it, but either way it takes a little getting used to.  It's additionally quite an opinionated service, so a remark 'but this doesn't work on W*****s!' will not get a warm and fuzzy response.

I also use (and pay for, and to be honest prefer) repositories at <>, which is a fork of GitLab to support Mercurial.  The fork is maintained by some of the Mercurial developers, so we can take it that the support is robust.  It's also somewhat opinionated, in the sense that the interface strongly discourages having multiple heads in a branch, unless one of the heads is marked as a topic.

Best wishes,


Norman Gray  :

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